Sunday, April 3, 2011

False Doctrine

Can one really be a serious Christian if one thinks that salvation is dependent upon the person choosing to believe in Christ? 

I feel sorry for the Lord when some of his sheep, or even his goats, make such an evil claim.

Imagine that the Lord chooses people for salvation and that man cannot ultimately refuse God's will.  Consider then if some of his sheep, or goats, claim that because of their own choice they get to participate in God's promise.

Something happens to the practitioners of half-Christianity, the Methodists, the Christian Church, the Assemblies of God, and all other Arminian heretics.  The Lord has placed blinders on their eyes, blocked their ears from hearing because they refuse to hear, and refuse to see, indeed cannot see, are blind.  The Lord would say that if you think you choose your salvation, then that is "works".

"Works" is anything positive that a human chooses to do.  Believing you choose God, means therefore your salvation is of works, your own works, and not of God's work.  When you know that God has chosen you, even against your own will which is second to God's will, yet you claim it is your will that chooses God, you brag, and you boast; you steal Glory from God and want to share in His Glory.

Arminianism is a heresy and should not be preached.  It is a false doctrine.  For choosing God would be righteousness, and we know that human righteousness is filthy.  Shame on the Arminian Glory Hounds!

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