Friday, April 29, 2011

Pride is difficult

Reviewing the Free Methodist website I noticed a discrepancy.  They claim to be, in one paragraph, adherents to the Arminian/Wesley view of Christianity, and then in the paragraph about scripture they claim that scripture is the source of truth.

The hypocrisy, and if it's not that then at least it is a rationalization, is to assert that scripture convinces the reader of the Arminian/Wesleyan tradtion, which of course it absolutely does not.

Arminians refuse to believe that God alone, as he did with Abraham, as he did with Paul, chooses.  Abraham could not refuse God, Paul could not refuse God, YOU cannot refuse God.  Arminianism is a heresy that serves the pride system of those who refuse to be humble.

It is an error, and God, in his mercy, does not require his chosen to believe the truth completely.  In other words, you can pretend that it's you who chooses God and it's you who accepts Christ, and of course you are wrong about that, but God can make you one of his elect anyway.

Nowhere in Scripture does the Bible assert that Jesus' death on the cross was a "free offer" and that it's up to you to accept it.  It does say throughout the Old and New Testament that God CHOOSES and does things for the sake of his elect.

Peace be with you!  Leave your pride at the door, be still, Psalm 131 and wait........ and wait some more.

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